Volunteer on MLK Day Of Service 2025

The Call to Service

Want to put your hands to good use during the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service? Please join us in a volunteer planting event.

Bonus: You’ll be right at the heart of San Francisco’s MLK Day Celebrations! The annual March arrives at Yerba Buena Gardens in the early afternoon. There will be lots of ways to get involved and celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy. Please consider joining us.

We have two special ways you can help green the Gardens on Monday, January 20, 2025.

  • Poa Pulling: This loosely structured, self-guided weeding activity involves a quick orientation before heading out onto the Great Lawn to identify and pull out poa, an unfriendly plant growing among the grasses. We’ll provide instructions, gloves, a hand trowel, a bucket, and grass seeds. Walk up to check in at the volunteer table any time between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. You’ll need to sign our waiver. We'll have copies available.
    • Poa pulling begins at 11, but walkups are welcome any time.
    • We have supplies for up to 20 volunteers.
    • You do not need to let us know you’re coming.
  • Perennial Planting: Want to make a big visible impact on the Gardens by planting right next to the MLK Memorial and Waterfall? This small group event involves a volunteer orientation and stretching followed by planting unique plants in the Perennial Garden. We’ll provide instructions, gloves, a hand trowel, and the plants. Walk up to check in at the volunteer table by no later than 10:00 am. You’ll need to sign our waiver. We'll have copies available.
    • Planting will begin at 10 and we’ll be done by 11.
    • We have capacity for 4-6 volunteers.
    • Please email engagement@ybgardens.org by Sunday, January 19th at 5pm to indicate your interest.



  • Is this an activity my kids can do?
    You know your kid best. With supervision, kids can help out with age appropriate tasks. Please note that parent / guardian supervision is required for the entire duration of the volunteer activity, as stated in our waiver.
  • What If I’ve Never Gardened?
    If you’ve lived in The City your whole life and have never gardened before, don’t worry. We’ll go through instructions slowly and there will be plenty of chances to see demonstrations. Ask questions, get feedback, and rest assured that you are helping green the Gardens.
  • What Should I Bring?
    Sun protection and a water bottle are the two most important things to bring. There are public restrooms and filling stations throughout the Gardens. Please dress in comfortable layers.
    We will provide gloves, hand trowels, and any other materials needed for the activity.
  • In Case of Bad Weather
    For most activities, weather won’t be an issue. Plants love the rain! But if there’s a concern for safety, we’ll reach out with cancellation information.